My husband is an excellent communicator, but I, on the other hand, am not. The words we use when speaking to others stay with them longer than we assume. I wish I had known this earlier.
I have hurt him so many times with my words.
Proverbs 15:4 states that: “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.”
This means we can literally speak life and death over somebody. When we control our tongues, we can build a healthy, nurturing marriage. Exercising self-control in the little things may even help strengthen us to overcome temptation in the bigger things. Having control over the words you use is beneficial, and can take your relationship to the next level. Stop and think before you speak and choose words that reflect the relationship you want to have.
The words we speak come from our hearts. Start by investigating your heart. Why do you feel the need to say a harsh word against your husband? Why can’t you speak kind words to your husband?
Swearing and calling your spouse harsh names will affect your husband’s self-esteem and how he views himself. Speaking negatively about situations regarding the two of you can damage your relationship.
What will happen if you change your words to kind, lovable, gentle words? Will you have a different marriage?
We all get angry at times, but that is not an excuse to talk poorly to your husband. Do not let a moment of weakness affect your relationship.
Changing your words can change your marriage.
A good marriage is filled with good words. A bad marriage is filled with words that are more harmful and can leave your spouse feeling down.