How To Deal With Anger And Resentment In A Marriage

I Am Angry! What Now?   

Anger is one of the strongest emotions that we experience. It makes our blood boil, and our heart rate rises. It is a feeling unmatched.   

Every marriage will experience conflict.  Feeling angry is inevitable. What sparks that conflict or argument in your marriage? It can be a difference in opinion or that you are feeling unloved and neglected.  

Conflict is not a bad thing if you know how to resolve it. What is bad, is if you do not resolve anger. Anger that builds up is toxic and dangerous.    

Acknowledge Your Anger. 

Know what upsets you, what triggers such intense emotion. Is it words that cause this fire in you? Acknowledgement is crucial. It will allow you to understand what upsets you so that you can communicate that to your spouse. Do some introspection and notice what causes your anger.   

Although some anger is righteous, it does not mean that you can sin while angry. It does not give you a reason to swear, yell, getting aggressive or kill somebody (Ok, sometimes we feel like it)  

   Communicating what angers you and what causes it – is called open and honest communication.  It will help you having more respect for one another and creating a stronger, more loving bond.    

 Learn How To Control Your Anger 

Anger is already intense, but what makes it worse is how you react to the feeling. It can cause harsh words to be said and unforgivable actions.   

When you angry and you cannot control your emotions, remove yourself from the situation. Leave the room and vocalize that you need some time and space to process your feelings. Take that time to acknowledge what made you so upset and is it reasonable to feel that way. Do some introspection. When your emotions are under control, discuss the argument with your spouse.   

Do Not Go To Bed Angry, And Don’t hold On To Anger For Too long. 

You cannot have intimacy when you deal with anger. Anger is an emotion. When unresolved, it can lead to behavioural, physical and emotional problems.  

Anger that builds up leads to a disconnect in your marriage. You will find yourself straying further away from a close and loving relationship with your husband. As a result, you will experience a lack of passion, optimism and intimacy.    

Today’s anger is manageable, but yesterday’s anger is toxic and dangerous. 

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