Your Marriage Could Use Some Work

Your score is in the mid-range and includes both positive traits as well as some potentially serious issues. There appears to be at least one concern that needs to be immediately addressed in order to avoid any potential long-term or deteriorating effects.

Scores in this range indicate a level of complacency with having a good but not great marriage. It’s not bad, but you’re not exactly beaming with joy either. Perhaps you find yourself often subtly annoyed by your spouse’s actions, or maybe you feel like you’re putting more into the marriage than your spouse. Or maybe, you’ve both just become okay with being just okay. You love and respect each other, but the more time goes one, the more it feels like you’re living parallel lives, instead of intersecting. The intimacy you once felt has started to diminish, the spark you once had has now calmed to a slow-burning ember. It’s still warm and inviting, but leaves you wanting more.

Often, the start of this disconnect corresponds to an increase in conflict, as you both find yourself on very different pages of the same book. With the lack of connection comes a lack of genuine communication, precipitating the cycle and exacerbating it on each rotation.

Many couples live like this and stay married for years, but think - is this what you really envisioned when you first got married? Is this the life you dreamed of? Do you accept an okay marriage with issues that genuinely upset you because it's comfortable, or because you are truly happy?

What you are going through is common, but it doesn’t mean it has to be like this. The majority of marriages fall into this range. But don’t forget - the majority of marriages also end in divorce - so the time for action is now, especially while you are still enjoying a few positive aspects and healthy behaviours in your relationship.

Coaching or counselling is highly recommended to get your marriage back on the track to success and to provide you with the tools you need to sustain your happily-ever-after. 

Resolve Your Relationship Issues & 

Learn The Skill to a Joyful, fulfilling marriage

- the Christian way

*** Your first is valued at $250. But I will happily waive it for you if you decide to join any of our other marriage-transforming programs.

What's In Your First Marriage Counselling Session

  • I'll attentively listen to the struggles you're facing in your marriage and work together with you to uncover the underlying issues causing these problems.
  • I'll help you tackle some of your most pressing marriage issues with honesty, gentleness, and a non-judgmental approach.
  • Together, we'll develop a plan and timeline to address your major relationship concerns, leading the way for a fulfilling and joyful marriage.

Marriage Counselling Helps If You Experience...

  • No longer feeling close or like you have a common goal
  • Going to bed angry or sleeping in separate bedrooms
  • Lack of interest in physical intimacy
  • Feeling anxious or like you’re constantly on edge
  • Being left out (or leaving your spouse out) of important life decisions, such as buying a car or changing careers
  • Having the same argument over and over, or the argument emerging in different forms
  • Chronic stressors, like infertility, illness, relocation, or parenting challenges
  • A traumatic event, like a job loss, sick child, etc
  • Substance misuse and poor coping strategies
  • A serious breach of trust, like an emotional or sexual affair, and you are wondering how to move forward
  • Feelings of bitterness and resentment about past hurts
  • No longer sharing your life dreams or goals with each other
  • Wishing for the ways things used to be
  • Wondering when you will feel joy again

Hi, I'm Erika

For over 20 years I have been providing relationship coaching and counselling to couples who have faced every challenge possible, be it infidelity, illness, trauma, financial stressors, or simply just not getting along. My motivation is knowing that intense, pure love is at the heart of each and every one of those relationships and that by making simple changes and following a few guiding principles, love can be restored to greatness and made even better than before. Dreams do come true. I know this, I’ve seen it happen with my clients, and I’ve made it happen for myself.

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There are many wonderful coaches - truly helpful and amazing people, but Erika belongs in a very small subset of that group: the rare and magical coaches. Thank you, Erika, for changing my life for the better!


If you are looking for a kind, caring, smart, brilliant, and encouraging coach, then look no further.  She is the best.  Thanks, Erika, for everything


I'm excited about my future and I hope to continue to work with Erika. I enjoy Erika’s refreshing, uplifting and encouraging personality while she is busy fine tuning my life.

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